Compare Crowdstack With Mighty Networks

Discover why Crowdstack is the better choice.

3-6 times less expensive

More design tools

Custom profile fields

Content moderation

Member management tools

Why Choose Crowdstack Over Mighty Networks

Power Features

Crowdstack gives you the following features that are not available on Mighty Networks:

  • Content Moderation - Crowdstack has powerful tools for reviewing, monitoring, approving user-generate content.
  • Member Management Tools - Crowdstack allows you to filter, manage, and segment your members.
  • Custom Profile Fields - Collect and display nearly any kind of profile information for your members.
  • Automation Rules - Create super powerful workflows to automate things like content and member moderation, sending DRIP email campaigns, sending kudos for first posts, and retaining inactive members.
  • Gamification - Use activity points to encourage participation and recognize/reward active community members.

Power Features

Crowdstack gives you the following features that are not available on Mighty Networks:

  • Content Moderation - Crowdstack has powerful tools for reviewing, monitoring, approving user-generate content.
  • Member Management Tools - Crowdstack allows you to filter, manage, and segment your members.
  • Custom Profile Fields - Collect and display nearly any kind of profile information for your members.
  • Automation Rules - Create super powerful workflows to automate things like content and member moderation, sending DRIP email campaigns, sending kudos for first posts, and retaining inactive members.
  • Gamification - Use activity points to encourage participation and recognize/reward active community members.

Feature Comparison

Fee Structure Free or Flat Rate Free or Flat Rate
Unlimited Usage
Advanced Reporting
Premium Memberships
Member Management Tools
Custom Profile Fields
Content Moderation
Member Filtering
Automation Rules
Did you know that the management team behind Crowdstack has been creating online community platforms for over 20 years? These platforms have served hundreds of thousands of sites and millions of end users over the years. We have unequalled experience building scalable, feature-rich audience engagement services. Crowdstack is our latest and greatest!
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